You Asked for It!
Click Here for Registry Info

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fetal Thought Monitor - #1

Hey, Mom? Thanks for feeding me Indian today. Thanks a LOT. Do that again, and I will kick you. Kick you like a toddler kicks the back of your airline seat for the entire flight to Disney World. You have been warned.


Greetings, Family, Friends and Strangers!***

Thanks for indulging our exhortations, and checking out our little bit of Internet silliness.

***If you found this by accident, I’m sorry. However, you are more than welcome to stick around, should you decide you like it here.

Undoubtedly, the first question on your mind is: Just why in the hell are you doing this? If you have a few minutes, I’ll give you the long story, but only medium-long. You’re welcome.

Apparently, babies require a lot of stuff. Hot on the heels of recent visits to two titans of the Baby Retail-Industrial Complex (BRIC), I am also fully prepared to tell you that they get a Whole Lotta Shit that they most definitely do not “require,” in the strictest sense of the word. It’s more ridiculous than I can properly articulate.

Anyway, I’m told that it’s customary for family members and close friends of the parents-to-be to purchase some of these required (and not-so-required) items, and present them to the couple at some sort of prenatal bacchanal. That sounds like fun, no?

Toward this end, people will often ask you which items are on your wish list, and where they may be procured. This practice is known in some circles as “registering;” as in, “Where are you registered?”

Driving to and from a local-ish BRIC behemoth last week, Sara came up with this brilliant idea, something to the effect of “Rather than just tell people where we’re registered, why don’t we set up a website, where we can link people to the places where all the baby stuff is? Also, you can write some funny blog entries and stuff? I think “Workin’ the Womb” would be a funny name for it! Whaddya think???”

I had to think about this for a minute. Start a what, you say? A “pregnancy blog?” Well, I’ll be damned. I knew there was a reason I married you – all these great ideas you come up with! Heck, I do enjoy writing - though generally with as much sarcasm, spite and profanity as I can muster – so, count me IN!!!

So here I am. Still four months away from parenthood, and I’ve already become one of those narcissistic, annoying parents I’d love to push down a flight of stairs.

If this goes off as we hope it will, you’ll want to come back here again and again. I promise. Within these virtual pages, you will find:

Obligatory gift guidance, for applicable individuals

Hysterical commentary about being “in a family way.” I said, hiss-TERR-i-cal.

Occasional rants from our yet unborn son or daughter.

SPECIAL BONUS for all the parents out there!!! We will also subject you to our declarations of what we have elected to do (or not do) as parents. That’s right; because we figured you all might need a good, hard laugh after a long day of parenting, we will allow you total access to our world of idealistic prenatal delusion.


Friday, January 1, 2010

Shameful Plugs

We’re not good at begging for things. Really, we're not.

However, as you’ve been warned, part of the motivation for setting up this blog thingy was to provide our families (and any other interested parties) links that will transport them to fascinating places, where they can see some of the things we think might be nifty for our expanding family to have. And perhaps purchase one of them.

Wow. I just cringed, upon reading that. Anyway, here goes...

You’ve probably heard of That there’s a direct link to our registry page.

If we get enough stuff from, Peter might not have to go there until the baby is like two weeks old. You actually have to type in one of our last names in order to get where you need to go.

Last but not least, You can stop laughing now. This site will require a little extra effort on your part. First, you need to scroll way down to the “Saras,” and clink on the link with our names. Second, you will need to add our names to the “comment” field when ordering, so that this small, local (though not to us) business can update our registry accordingly. Yeah yeah yeah…it’s so very 2010, I know!

Happy Shopping!

Sara & Peter!