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Friday, February 19, 2010

Things I Don’t Like About Pregnancy

Sara (well, DUH!): I’ve been pretty lucky so far; I’ve had a relatively easy pregnancy. I know, I still have three months to go, but I still think I’ve been pretty lucky. Didn’t have serious, spend-all-day-hovering-around-the-toilet-waiting-for-the-next-explosion-of-morning-sickness, haven’t had nose bleeds, haven’t had bowel issues. So not bad, right? Until last night. Apparently, leg cramps at night can be a side effect/symptom of pregnancy. Something to do with the increased amount of blood that pregnancy creates, and then potential decreased blood flow while lying down.

Yeah, not fun. It happened at 5:30am. Sound asleep enjoying my dreams. Not sure what triggered it-perhaps I dared to attempt a stretch. All I know was it was like someone was ripping my left calf-muscle to shreds. I shot upright and immediately began yelling Peter’s name over and over. I was rewarded with a very panicked “What! WHAT!!!” So I’m in pain, Peter’s probably thinking I’m in early labor* and meanwhile, my calf is a massive knot, so much so that my foot has contorted so completely it now looks like a Barbie foot. You know, Barbie’s permanent toe-point – like she’s some crazy ballerina.

He attempted to rub it but that just hurt even more. I tried to stand up, but a Barbie foot does not allow one to stand upright (I now have much more sympathy for my childhood friend). I was practically whimpering in pain and trying to balance on one good leg. Eventually it loosened up enough that I could hobble around the room. Walk it out, just walk it out. And I eventually did manage another 25 minutes of sleep; not very good sleep, but something. But the remainder of the day—that stupid calf muscle has been soooo sore. Ought to be fun walking 2 miles tomorrow.

One word. Ouch.

*So, it turns out Peter did think I was going into labor. I’m writhing in pain and turns out he’s relieved. After the initial shock, he definitely got the better end of that deal. [Peter Note: I did note, in my previous post, that “paybacks are a bitch,” right? I don’t yet know the half of it, do I?]

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