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Sunday, April 11, 2010


Peter: I’ve learned that pregnant people find themselves answering the same questions over and over again. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I’m probably a little bit too late to execute this brilliant idea, but I thought more than once about making Sara a tee shirt that says the following:

1. May 26.
2. We’re not finding out.
3. Yes.
4. No, we’re not saying.
5. I would prefer that you didn’t.

Anyone care to kick it “Jeopardy” style and give me the questions that precede these answers?


  1. I'm going to take a stab at this...speaking from recent experience only. Then I will post the things I'm thinking of answering the further we get into our own pregnancy...

    1. What is "When are you due?"
    2. What is "Are you finding out the sex?" or the even easier "What are you having?"
    3. Hmmm...a tougher one...I'll say What is "Is this your first?" or "Are you excited?"
    4. Maybe..."Do you plan on having more?" or "Have you picked out any names?" or the even more private "How did it happen?"
    5. This one I thought might be "Can I touch your belly?" but people have no manners and touch and never ask...I'm stumped. Maybe it's "Can I watch the delivery?" HA HA HA

    And now, on to what I may start answering to the aforementioned questions:
    1. Whenever the kid feels like coming out or The sooner the better (oops...I think I've used the latter one already)
    2. We will be finding out in two weeks, but we don't plan on telling you because you asked
    3. No...we actually both have several kids from previous one night stands. We thought we might try to have one together this time
    4. Yes, we are going to try to beat the record of those crazy a**holes that have 18 kids. Stacy is going on 40, but her baby-making days are ahead of her!
    6. Go ahead, touch my belly...would you like to touch my *** as well?

  2. You are so close! #3 was "Do you have names picked out?" #4 was "What are they?" In all honesty, these should have been #3a and 3b, instead of 3 and 4.

    On #5, your first instinct was correct. Sara no likey.

    Your smartass responses are hilarious. Why didn't I think of these?

  3. I had all of them.... You shoulda waited to answer. I would have aced them! <3 Kara
