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Friday, May 14, 2010

The Testing Panel

You can keep Consumer Reports. We have Consumer Re-purr-ts*.

All-around fine folks Chrissy and Glen (fellow delusional nutjobs who are attempting to raise a child in Trenton) recently unloaded on us a treasure trove of baby stuff, used either lightly or not at all.

Recycle, folks! Nobody - and I mean nobody - knows (or cares, I should hope…or do I really have a lot to learn?) that your kid was not the first to wear that tiny little powder blue leisure suit. OK, bad example, but you know what I mean. The fruit of your loins is going to drive you into the poor house anyway; you may as well forestall the inevitable, by outfitting your kid in gear that someone else’s tyke wore four or five times.

Anyway, combine that with plenty of awesome gifts from generous friends and family, and we are pretty well sorted out for our new arrival. So we think, anyway.

Among the hand-me-downs was a sweet car seat, which will fit perfectly inside the new stroller we received as a shower gift. They say you should be very careful about making sure these things are in working order, before putting your precious cargo into one for the first time. Fortunately for us, we had a testing panel of two volunteers, who didn’t even need to be asked to lend a hand, because they are always willing to pull their own weight around here.

It took Mekare about three whole minutes to hop into this thing. She is an old lady who seems to get bored easily, but she did enjoy this seat for a few days or so. As you can see, it really brings out the green in her eyes. I would say she liked it more than melted vanilla ice cream, but less than leftover salmon scraps from the dinner table.

On the other hand, Lucky (which is short for “I am so Lucky these people pulled me out of a snowstorm and let me stay”) is a whole ‘nother story. Since discovering it, Lucky spends roughly 13 hours per day in this seat, leaving it only for biological necessities, or to camp out for the night atop the new bassinet (which I smartly thought to cover with a sheet of cardboard; there’s already plenty of cat hair in our lives, thank you very much). He is in for a rude awakening when we have to use these things for an actual human being.

So, I think we have a winner. Our new-to-us car seat is purr-fect* for our needs, and we helped keep a couple pounds of PVC out of the landfill for a couple more years.

*a little part of me died when I wrote that, it really did.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad so many beings in your household are/will be enjoying that seat. It was popular here as well. It's a good seat.

    We're anxiously awaiting your news, but are trying hard not to be pests. Best to you guys.
